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Learn how to – What are the Most Popular NFT Categories?

Learn how to – What are the Most Popular NFT Categories?.

If you follow the news or are moderately interested in cryptocurrency, then you’ve probably heard about NFTs. NFTs or non-fungible tokens are digital, non-replaceable artworks that cannot be copied. While the media might be copyable, the ownership of the NFT is retained by the buyer. Think of it like original artwork, such as the Mona Lisa. Sure, there are hundreds of pictures of it online and offline, but if you want to see the real deal, you’ll need to travel to Paris and pay to queue up in the Louvre. While artwork might be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of NFTs, anything can become one. Here are some of the most common types of NFTs that you can buy today. 


The most popular NFT category is by far art. It’s also a best-selling type of NFT. The entire idea behind NFTs was to create more opportunities for artists to earn money by selling their work online as digital tokens, in a similar way to if they were physical art pieces. Most of the really expensive NFTs that you’ll hear about today are artwork. The most valuable NFT to ever be sold is a piece of art by Beeple, called ‘Everydays: The First 5000 Days’ which fetched a massive $69m. Video art is also included in this category, with short clips and GIFs selling on NFT marketplaces like OKX.com


Music has been bought and sold for a long time, recorded on cassettes, records, CDs, and more recently digitally. However, DJs and musicians have also been selling their musical creations as NFTs, a move that has earned some artists millions of dollars in less than a day. NFTs are revolutionizing the music industry, as typically, musicians would only get a small percentage of the money their music earns after paying record labels and streaming platforms. On the other hand, musicians get to pocket one hundred per cent of the cash they earn from selling their music as an NFT

Collectable Items

NFTs can be digital trading cards. Everybody has heard of limited-edition collectable items like baseball trading cards selling for high prices, and the NFT market is quite similar. It allows people to buy and sell virtual versions of any trading card or collectable item, and own and keep them just like the real thing. And some are selling for thousands or even millions of dollars. 

Video Games

Video games are another popular NFT category to look out for. But entire games are rarely sold as NFTs. Instead, NFTs can be in-game add-ons and content such as characters, skins, and other game items. Game players can usually buy millions of copies of various DLC assets, but in the case of an NFT, it’s exclusive and unique to just one buyer, which is what makes these so popular with gaming enthusiasts. For example, a limited-edition version of a DLC might be sold on an NFT marketplace after the regular one is sold in the normal way. 

NFTs aren’t just digital art – anything can be made into an NFT, and there are some categories that are more popular and profitable than others.


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