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Learn how to – 3 Approaches on What Makes a Great Real Estate Agents

Learn how to – 3 Approaches on What Makes a Great Real Estate Agents.

Almost everyone goes to the internet to search for everything. From searching factual information to creative DIY ideas.  Real Estate business is no different and it is very competitive, especially Real Estate Agents. And, if you want to get ahead of your peers, then you should create a professional career website with other marketing tools.  This will create massive exposure through the internet and self-promoting through multiple avenues of marketing.  Here are several ideas:

  • Creating a professional website with SEO
  • Create and Update Social Media
  • Networking Events

Creating a professional website with SEO optimization


A professional website helps you stand out from your peers by designing a website with a hint of personal touches will help ease the customers into your business.  This marketing tool alone will help increase your exposure and give a reason why clients should contact you rather than your peers.  You should also keep in mind that the internet is saturated with over 1.7 billion websites, which can dilute your website from ever being seen at all.

Search Engine Optimization or more commonly known as SEO will help create a flow of potential clients for both quality and quantity to your website traffic.  Each client uses certain keywords that will help narrow down to your website through organic searches.  Organic searches are search results naturally found and not through paid advertisements. With both professional websites and SEO alone, this will help bring in more potential customers to you.

Create Social Media and Social Network

There are over 2.5 billion monthly active Social media users, which is another great platform to use to gain additional exposure on the internet.  Each and every social platform is important since they have a large portion of the market.  From Pinterest to YouTube which can give you the momentum that would outperform your peers in the Real Estate industry.  Pinterest & Instagram can show off the homes through pictures and hashtags that will relate to their searches. With this, it will create followers that can help expose and create a network within your following communities.

YouTube is another great social media website that can generate potential customers to your website.  YouTube videos will create more visual appeal to help customers understand what kind of real estate they might be interested in and direct them towards you.  Lastly, the social network is Facebook and Twitter.  This helps give notification on what’s new and going around with your real estate market on a social networking level.  All of your social media and social network should lead the customer to your website that will funnel potential clients and generate great leads.

Networking Events

There are tons of events that are happening throughout the week.  There are local and state websites that have a list of family-friendly events or popular local areas that you can set up with your own personal advertisements.  From these events, you can create additional exposure to your market and potential customers for possible leads.

With these tools, you will create a directional funnel to help increase the flow of customers to you.  It will be much easier than manual cold calling or waiting for customers passively to interact with you without initial setup.  As they say, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes (Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule).  Instead, you should focus on creating your 20% and let 80% of the market come to you. And here are some great 10 tips and practices on creating a custom real estate website design that you should apply for your professional website!


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