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Quantity 11.934,00
Quantity 2.750,00

Herbal Facial Steamer: Air Humidifier For Respiratory Tract Sickness


Herbal steamer is your number one portable equipment for respiratory complications. It combines steam and specialized herb therapy to effectively relieve lungs and respiratory tract infection and congestion!

Greenlife Herbal Facial Steamer

Greenlife Herbal Facial Steamer and Air Humidifier With Herbal Sachets For Respiratory Tract Sickness. Herbal steamer is your number one portable equipment for respiratory complications. It combines steam and specialized herb therapy to effectively relieve lungs and respiratory tract infection and congestion!

This machine gives a herbal moisture supplement to the skin, which can help balance the ratio of water and oil as well as promote the blood circulation of the skin.

It helps to clean up the aged skin cells as well as promote the repair or regeneration of skin skins and collagen. It reduces blackheads or spots on the skin.

When used with the herbal sachets helps you recover from respiratory diseases like Fever, Catarrh, Cough, Cold, Pneumonia, the blockage of the sinuses and help clear the respiratory tract airways.

This machine is can be use without the herbal sachets for 15 minutes a day to helps you clear up the pores of the skin blocked by dirt, residues of Make ups, creams, sweats and dead skin cells.

It softens the dead cells in stratum Corneum, increases the flow of blood of the skins. The steams on the face loosens dead skin tissue cells making it easier to remove thereby promoting further desquamation (shedding of the outer layers of the skin).

Health Benefits of Greenlife Herbal Facial Steamer

  1. Perfect help for asthma, pneumonia, cough sufferers, bronchitis
  2. Clear the airways, cure fever, catarrh, cold, sinuses, and other respiratory tract diseases.
  3. Relieves fatigue due to breathing difficulties
  4. Reduces stress and improves your health quality.
  5. When the steam spread on the face, it increases the temperature and promotes internal circulation of the face.
  6. It nourishes the tissues, soften the stratum cameum of the skin and makes the dead cells much easier to remove.
  7. Herbal steamer machine is good for facial, skin care and it is applicable for all kinds of skin.
  8. Decongestion of the lungs, nasal cavities and airway.
  9. Helps people with sleep apnea, improves sleep quality.
  10. Optimize the body’s oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange.
  11. Releases oxygen to the brain, smoothest brain cells.

How To Use Herbal Steamer and Herbal Sachet

The package contains:
  • The herbal steamer machine 1
  • Herbal steamer sachet 3
  • White balm 1

How To Use:

  1. This steamer should only be used with distilled water from water dispenser or bottled water only.
  2. Ensure to avoid direct contact of the steam on your skin or face in order to avoid injury. It is advisable to keep a distance of 25 cm from the steamer.
  3. Do not store with water or allow water to remain in the machine after use.
  4. Always use new and fresh water not the left over water from previous use.
  5. Wash this machine once a week or whenever the tank becomes dirty by soaking it overnight with a few drops of white vinegar in the tank and wash of with distilled water only.
  6. Never leave this machine plug to switch when not in use.
  7. Read the manual for more details

Ingredient of Herbal Sachet

Using the HERBAL SACHETS helps to reduces stress, improve your health quality. The herbal sachets for the steamer contains

  • Wild Chrysanthemum flower
  • Flowers Carthami
  • Butterfly-bush flower,
  • Mint
  • Semen Cassiae Torae, Selfheal and
  • Frostbitten Mulberry leaf.




Quantity 11.934,00
Quantity 2.750,00