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Auto-GPT, BabyAGI, and AgentGPT: A Guide to AI Agents

AI agents are becoming more capable and creative as they learn to generate natural language texts. In this article, we will explore three recent projects that showcase the potential of AI agents for writing: Auto-GPT, BabyAGI, and AgentGPT. This article is intended for anyone who is interested in learning more about the state-of-the-art of AI agents.

AI Agents

Auto-GPT, AgentGPT, and BabyAGI are applications that use ChatGPT to automate operations using OpenAI’s large language models (LLMs). Creating a project using ChatGPT necessitates a prompt for each new stage, but with AI agents, all you need to do is provide it with an overarching aim and let it go to work.

Assume you own a tutoring service. Using an AI agent such as Auto-GPT, you may give it a command such as “help me grow my tutoring business” and it can discover target markets, establish a marketing plan, and even assist you in the creation of a website. All of this without having to instruct it on what to do next. It’s the ultimate “set it and forget it” AI solution.


Created by game developer Toran Bruce Richards, Auto-GPT is the original application that set off a flurry of other AI agent tools. It is presently available as an open-source project on GitHub. To utilize it, you must first install a development environment such as Docker or Visual Studio Code with the Dev Container plugin.

You’ll also need an OpenAI API key, which needs a paid OpenAI account. OpenAI provides a $5 credit that is valid for three months. Then, depending on the model, you’ll require a subscription that costs between $0.002 and $0.12 every 1,000 tokens. According to OpenAI, one thousand tokens equal around 750 words.

Also Read How to install Auto GPT in docker.


BabyAGI, like Auto-GPT, is accessible as a GitHub repository (repo). Yohei Nakajima created BabyAGI, which “creates tasks based on the results of previous tasks and a predefined objective.” You’ll need an OpenAI or Pinecone API key as well as Docker software to utilize it.

Also Read Baby AGI Exploring the Latest AI Advancements.

AgentGPT and GodMode

If you don’t have coding skills, AgentGPT and GodMode are more user-friendly AI agent programs. Both offer a basic interface that allows you to enter your goal right into the browser page. AgentGPT and GodMode provide demos to demonstrate how it works, but the complete version requires an API key from OpenAI.

Also Read How to install AgentGPT.

The fine print

These are all brand new applications, which means they are still in the testing phase. People have already deployed AI agents to execute some fairly astounding jobs, such as creating and conducting sales outreach, producing a podcast script based on current events, and, most notably, ordering a pizza. But don’t expect them to take over your entire life just yet. Because generative AI is prone to hallucinations and mistakes, it is critical to keep track of the tasks it is working on.

Also, use caution when exchanging sensitive or personal information with any application based on LLMs. Because any material you share or create can be saved and utilised to enhance the model. Use AI agents with caution, and don’t reveal or ask them to perform anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable publishing to the world.

Also Read How to Use Auto GPT and Agent GPT.

This article is to help you learn about AI agents. We trust that it has been helpful to you. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.


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