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How to Become a Brewery & Beer Distributor in Nigeria 2023

The beer industry in Nigeria is a growing market with a high demand for various types of beer products.

Brewery distributors play a crucial role in the beer industry, ensuring that breweries can get their products to customers effectively and efficiently.

Becoming a brewery distributor in Nigeria requires careful planning, research, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

This article outlines how individuals can become successful brewery distributors in Nigeria, including the following information;

  • Market research
  • Obtaining necessary licenses and permits
  • Securing Funding
  • Establishing relationships with breweries
  • Setting up distribution channels
  • Developing a marketing strategy
  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Following these steps, aspiring brewery distributors can start and grow a successful brewery distribution business in Nigeria.

The Beer Market in Nigeria

Glass bottles

The beer market in Nigeria is a significant industry that has experienced steady growth in recent years.

According to reports, Nigeria is one of the largest beer markets in Africa, with a consumption rate of about 18 litres per capita.

The market is dominated by local breweries such as Nigerian Breweries, Guinness Nigeria, and International Breweries. These breweries produce beer products, including lagers, stouts, and ale.

The market is highly competitive, and breweries are constantly innovating to meet the needs of their customers.

Additionally, the increasing population and rising disposable income of consumers make Nigeria an attractive market for beer products.

As a result, the beer market in Nigeria is poised for continued growth, offering opportunities for brewery distributors to thrive in the industry.

Brewery Distributors

A lady inside a warehouse

Brewery distributors play a critical role in the Nigerian beer industry, as they are responsible for getting beer products from the breweries to the end customers.

They act as intermediaries between the breweries and various retail outlets such as bars, restaurants, supermarkets, and liquor stores, helping to ensure that customers have access to a wide range of beer products.

Brewery distributors also help breweries to expand their market reach, increase sales, and improve profitability, making them an integral part of the beer industry in Nigeria.

How to Become a Brewery Distributor in Nigeria

man and woman looking at a laptop

Now that we have established the importance of brewery distributors in the beer industry and the potential for success in Nigeria’s beer market, let’s dive into the steps involved in becoming a brewery distributor.

By following these steps, you will be well on your way to starting and growing a successful brewery distribution business in Nigeria.

However, remember that success in this industry requires a strong work ethic, dedication, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

With that said, let’s get started on the steps involved in becoming a brewery distributor in Nigeria.

  1. Market Research
  2. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits
  3. Secure Funding
  4. Establish Relationships With Breweries
  5. Set Up Distribution Channels

1. Market Research

The first step in becoming a successful brewery distributor in Nigeria is to conduct thorough market research.

This involves gathering information on the local beer market, including market trends, consumer preferences, and competitor analysis.

Here are some essential tips to help you conduct effective market research:

  • Identify your target market: Determine the specific market segment you want to target, such as bars, restaurants, or supermarkets. This will help you better tailor your research to understand your potential customer’s needs and preferences.
  • Study market trends: Keep track of the latest market trends in the beer industry in Nigeria, including changes in consumer preferences, emerging brands, and new distribution channels.
  • Analyse your competition: Identify the key players in the local beer market, including other distributors and breweries. Analyse their strategies, pricing, and product offerings to identify gaps in the market that you can fill.
  • Get feedback from potential customers: Conduct surveys or focus groups with potential customers to gather feedback on their preferences, pricing expectations, and product quality.
  • Evaluate regulatory requirements: Familiarise yourself with the legal and regulatory requirements for operating a brewery distribution business in Nigeria. This will help you avoid legal issues down the line.

By conducting thorough market research, you will better understand the local beer market in Nigeria, including the needs and preferences of your potential customers.

This information will help you develop a successful business strategy and position your brewery distribution business for growth and success.

2. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Once you have completed your market research, the next step in becoming a brewery distributor in Nigeria is to obtain the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally.

The two primary regulatory bodies involved in this process are;

  1. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)
  2. Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)

National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)

NAFDAC regulates and controls Nigeria’s manufacture, importation, exportation, advertisement, distribution, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and packaged water.

As a brewery distributor, you must obtain a permit from NAFDAC to distribute alcoholic beverages in Nigeria.

To obtain a permit from NAFDAC, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Apply: You must apply for a license to import, manufacture, or distribute alcoholic beverages in Nigeria.
  2. Provide necessary documents: You will need to provide several documents, including your company registration certificate, tax identification number, and a certificate of analysis for the products you intend to distribute.
  3. Pay the required fees: You will need to pay the prescribed fees for the permit application, which vary depending on the type of permit and the volume of products to be imported or distributed.
  4. Schedule an inspection: Once your application is approved, NAFDAC will schedule an inspection of your premises to ensure that you meet the required standards.
  5. Receive your permit: If your premises meet the required standards, you will receive your permit to distribute alcoholic beverages in Nigeria.

Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)

The CAC is the regulatory body responsible for registering and regulating companies and businesses in Nigeria. As a brewery distributor, you must register your business with the CAC to operate legally.

To register your business with the CAC, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a name for your business: You must choose a unique name not registered with the CAC.
  2. Complete the registration form: You will need to complete the registration form and provide the necessary documents, including your company memorandum and articles of association and the particulars of the company directors.
  3. Pay the registration fees: You will need to pay the prescribed registration fees, which vary depending on the size of your business.
  4. Receive your certificate of incorporation: Once your registration is approved, you will receive proof that your business is registered with the CAC and authorised to operate in Nigeria.

By obtaining the necessary licenses and permits from NAFDAC and the CAC, you can legally operate your brewery distribution business and avoid any legal issues arising from non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

3. Secure Funding

Once you have obtained the licenses and permits to legally operate your brewery distribution business, the next step is securing adequate Funding.

Adequate Funding is critical for the success of any business, including a brewery distribution business in Nigeria.

There are several sources of Funding that you can explore to finance your brewery distribution business.

  • Personal Savings: You can use your savings to finance your brewery distribution business. This option allows you to retain complete control of your business and avoid borrowing costs and interest rates.
  • Bank Loans: You can apply for a bank loan to finance your brewery distribution business. Banks offer various loan options, including working capital loans, asset financing, and project financing.
  • Government Grants: You can apply for grants to finance your brewery distribution business. The Nigerian government offers grants to support small and medium-scale enterprises in various agricultural and manufacturing sectors.
  • Angel Investors: Angel investors are wealthy individuals who provide capital to start-up businesses in exchange for equity or ownership. They can provide valuable expertise and network connections to help your brewery distribution business succeed.

4. Establish Relationships With Breweries

Establishing relationships with breweries is critical to becoming a successful brewery distributor in Nigeria.

It involves identifying suitable breweries that produce quality products, reaching out to them to introduce yourself and your business, attending industry events to network with potential partners, and negotiating and signing contracts to formalise the relationship.

Building solid partnerships with breweries allows you to access a wide range of quality products, receive marketing support and technical assistance, and grow your business.

It is essential to maintain good relationships with your brewery partners by honouring the terms of your contract, providing prompt payment, and communicating regularly to address any issues that may arise.

5. Set Up Distribution Channels

After establishing relationships with breweries and securing Funding, the next step in becoming a successful brewery distributor in Nigeria is to set up distribution channels.

This involves defining your distribution territory, choosing the proper distribution channels, establishing relationships with retailers and wholesalers, investing in delivery and logistics, and monitoring your performance.

By selecting the appropriate distribution channels based on your market research and Funding, you can efficiently get your products to your customers.

Building solid relationships with retailers and wholesalers in your distribution territory is crucial to ensure that they stock your products.

Investing in delivery and logistics infrastructure can help you efficiently transport and store your products.

Regularly monitoring and evaluating your distribution channels can help you optimise your strategy and grow your business.


In conclusion, becoming a successful brewery distributor in Nigeria requires careful planning, market research, and effective execution.

Following the steps outlined in this article, including conducting thorough market research, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, securing Funding, establishing relationships with breweries, and setting up distribution channels, you can start and grow a successful brewery distribution business.

Maintaining solid relationships with your partners and continuously evaluating and optimising your business strategy to ensure long-term success is essential.

With the right approach and dedication, you can thrive in Nigeria’s beer industry and contribute to the growth and development of the sector.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification. I would love to assist you.

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