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How to Become Indomie Distributor in Nigeria 2023

So far as we can tell, Indomie is the first noodle brand to enter the Nigerian market.

They were well-known before any competing products appeared on retail shelves.

And by consistently exceeding their customers’ expectations, they’ve expanded their clientele.

The product’s popularity among young college students has skyrocketed in recent years.

There’s a good explanation for this. One reason for this is the ease with which it can be prepared.

Because of how well their products are packaged and marketed, many people have become loyal customers.

Every brand of instant noodles in Nigeria is called “Indomie” since the name has grown so popular here.

When there is a high consumption rate, there is also a high demand for goods or services.

Because of this, many Nigerians now have the chance to become Indomie distributors and sub-distributors.

Becoming an Indomie Distributor in Nigeria

A lady inside a warehouse

Those who want to sell Indomie will work with the company that owns Indomie, Dufil Prima Foods, to distribute their products all over the country.

If you’ve been granted the license to distribute Dufil Prima food products, you can buy them wholesale and resell them at a profit.

Then, you can sell it to other re-sellers or sub-distributors who will sell it straight to the general public.

Dufil Prima Foods has an excellent track record and is the best company to look for a business partnership with.

When starting this kind of business, the owner will deal with Dufil Prima Foods on a one-on-one basis and get his goods directly from the company at a price set by the company.

Also, if a business owner becomes an Indomie distributor, they can sell all other Dufil Prima food products, like power oil, minimie chin chin, pure bliss, etc.

This article will teach you all you need to know to start a successful business as an Indomie distributor in Nigeria.

If you’re interested in becoming an Indomie distributor in Nigeria, you should read this article and follow the instructions carefully.

How to Become an Indomie Distributor in Nigeria

If you have the initial startup funds, becoming an Indomie noodle distributor in Nigeria is quick and straightforward.

Here is a list of everything you need to do to start and run a successful Indomie distributorship in Nigeria;

  1. Get Some Information
  2. Get Startup Capital
  3. Choose a Business Location
  4. Get the Distributorship Rights
  5. Get a Warehouse
  6. Get a Distribution Vehicle
  7. Market your Business

Get Some Information

man and woman looking at a laptop

No matter what kind of company you want to launch, groundwork in the basics is essential.

Before you sign up to be an Indomie Noodles distributor in Nigeria, you must research.

Finding the nearest distributor should be your first step.

They are a reliable source of advice at any time.

You will likely get a helpful and encouraging answer.

It’s also a good idea to utilize this connection to answer some critical questions about becoming an Indomie distributor in Nigeria.

Talk to well-known distributors for advice and help to make your business more likely to succeed.

This knowledge will help you get your distributorship off to a good start and protect you from common pitfalls.

Get Startup Capital

Naira banknotes

The Indomie wholesale distribution business is no different from any other in needing sufficient initial funding to get off the ground and thrive.

You will need to invest significant money in becoming an Indomie distributor.

You can only become a distributor if you can put up a quantity of money that meets the minimum threshold set by the company.

The typical investment amount is over ₦2 million. However, a smaller initial investment is sufficient to qualify you for sub-distributorship.

With less than 1 million Naira, you can get started as a sub-distributor. However, this requires you to get your supplies from distributors, who will charge you whatever price they see fit.

While you won’t be able to make quite as much as Indomie distributors, you’ll still be doing rather well for yourself compared to other businesses.

The fact that you can offer the necessary funds demonstrates your seriousness about being a distributor of Indomie in Nigeria.

Choose a Business Location

aerial view of Lagos city

It’s crucial to a company’s success to start operations in a flourishing neighbourhood.

For maximum success as an Indomie distributor, locate your business in a prominent and convenient area.

Remember that your role is that of a wholesaler (distribution), not a retailer.

The only customers you will be dealing with are sub-distributors and retailers.

In cases when people wish to purchase in bulk, you probably won’t be selling to end users.

Your location must be identified before communicating with the Indomie Noodle Company.

It is because a location can only host a single distributor at a time.

As a first step toward becoming an Indomie distributor, you may become a sub-distributor.

In a given state, there are not many distributors. The number of distributors in a state varies from one to three, whereas the number of sub-distributors is often much more.

Get the Distributorship Rights

Woman sitting on the bed holding her phone

Dufil Prima Foods PLC sends Indomie noodles straight to distributors, while sub-distributors get their noodles from distributors.

So, if you’re interested in becoming a distributor in your location, you can go to their Lagos headquarters and fill out an application.

Their address is 38 Eric Moore Road, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria.

Alternatively, you can contact a customer service agent by dialling +2347000888888.

As I said, operating capital is the only difference between a distributor and a sub-distributor.

As a result, your shipment of Indomie noodles will be bigger than usual.

However, as a sub-distributor, you have to depend on these distributors since they are the ones who will provide you with the products.

Get a Warehouse

Women standing near carton of boxes

You will need to rent a warehouse to be a successful Indomie distributor in Nigeria.

Your warehouse must have adequate space to accommodate the products you want to purchase. Rat-proofing the warehouse is a must.

In addition, you should use shipping crates on the ground to shield the cartons from moisture.

The warehouse location is also essential because it will be a hub for many of your customers.

It is one of the reasons why we advise you to do research before investing in an Indomie distribution business.

Good research can help you determine where your ideal customers reside and where to locate your warehouse.

The road leading to such a warehouse will be motorable, and more crucially, it will be located close to a town or city that the target audience can readily reach.

Employ Distributors

Female colleagues collaborating with a surface in a board

If you insist on handling every aspect of distribution by yourself, prepare for a lot of tiresome effort.

If you’re a wholesaler of Indomie, you’ll be loading and unloading dozens, if not hundreds, of cars daily.

Also, each truck can carry as many as 150 cartons.

All of it is too much for you to manage on your own. Depending on the scope of your Indomie wholesale business, you may need as many as four part-timers to keep things running correctly.

The day-to-day operations of the distribution company will need the services of a driver and an administrative assistant.

There will be a driver in charge of transportation, and the secretary will maintain all of the company’s records, including financial transactions (what goes out and what comes in).

Get a Distribution Vehicle

man riding bicycle

Don’t lose sight of the fact that you’re a wholesaler.

Your job is to take orders from other individuals and then provide the required quantities to them.

Some clients may bring their cars to your warehouse, while others pay in full before transporting the goods to their shop.

Any time sub-distributors or retailers make an order. You’ll transport the Indomie to them in your distribution vehicle(s).

At the beginning of an Indomie distributorship business, buying a delivery truck is unnecessary, especially if money is tight.

If you don’t yet have any means of having Indomie items delivered to clients, you may either hire vans in the beginning or tell them to come to pick them up themselves.

Market your Business

Nigerian woman talking

At your place of business, you should adorn the walls with flex banners, your company’s emblem, and any other printable advertising models you can find.

Since the firm takes care of all marketing efforts, you won’t have to.

A big reason that Indomie is so popular is probably how well the company markets itself.

Getting in touch with other regional distributors and merchants can help your distribution business grow rapidly.


Many people cook and eat Indomie, including students, families, single people, and parents with busy schedules.

Its popularity extends to urban centres as well as more rural areas.

As a result, it is easy to see why selling Indomie in bulk across Nigeria has proven fruitful for the company.

Joining the Indomie Noodles distributor network in Nigeria couldn’t come at a better moment.

With more companies entering the industry, competition is heating up.

Get the rights to be a distributor, get a van and a warehouse, recruit some staff, start delivering the products, and watch your profits grow.

Am Christy. I will love to be indome distributor . In my town, how can I go about it.


Hello Christy,

It is nice to hear from you.

The article is supposed to assist you with the guide on becoming an Indomie distributor.

Let me know if you have any further questions. I will love to assist you.


Am promise from imo state, how will pay to get distributor right


Hello Promise,

Walk into the nearest Coca cola headquarters in Imo state for further assistance.

Good luck.


I’m from lokoja kogi state,I need to be your distributor in my area,how can I going to do?


Contact any of the major distributors in Kogi State.


My name is peter residing in ikorodu Lagos am interested in indome wholesale what and what can I do please


Hello Peter,

What to do has already been described in the post.
If you have adequate funding, you should start with getting the Right of distribution.




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