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5 secret methods for studying Effectively [Scientifically Proven]

Secret methods for studying effectively, What you are doing might be a waste of time. Read over your notes, highlight your notes and review the class material.
Scientifically, certain reading or effective study techniques is beneficial than others. Instead of you searching and spending hours on techniques that do not work for you; here I have detailed the effective study techniques which are the best way to study and memorize, that will make you start to stand out among your peers, colleagues, students, and friends.

The following are reading tactics or should I call them techniques that have been scientifically proven are listed and explained to you.


The 5 secret methods for studying Effectively

I will be sharing these tips with you, Like I said earlier, the best way to study and memorize is in the effective study techniques I’m about to show you below that would help you in studying well for your exams research, and interviews.

1. Creating Memory palaces (Loci techniques):

Method Memory palaces; this is one of the effective study techniques I have listed in my 5 secret methods for studying.

To get started you walk through the environment you choose like your house, office, school any place of your choice.

 You place an object in specific places which you can remember in a bit

You match the objects with things you want that you want to learn with those objects.

 So, when you’re trying to remember that information may be things taught in class you just recall to your notes, you think of which object you matched it what is the color? size of the object? where the object is placed? your notes for an easy reminder. Apply this until it becomes crystal clear in your mind. This way you will have an effective study.

2. Feynman Techniques/ protégé effect

In past years, it is well known that the best way to understand a particular thing is to explain it to somebody. The more you are trying to make it simple the more you discover many ideas and ways to understand a problem or your notes. 

This technique is called the protégé effect also known as teaching someone something you want to learn. But in this guide, the secret methods for studying is unveiled.

A study is conducted in 2007, Students who taught other students scored higher than the students who learned for themselves. Furthermore, the research discovers that to teach someone you need to read the material more and do both intensive and extensive research on the material and you have to apply the more accurately and explain more efficiently which makes you work harder. This phenomenon is known as depth of processing.

      The Feynman techniques add light to it

  • Write the name of a concept on the top of a blank piece of paper
  • Write down the explanation of the concept as if you are teaching it to someone
  • Identify what is missing then go back and relearn it
  • Review it and simplify it to the point even a 5-year-old will understand.

 3. Practice test

Reading again and again? Highlighting your notes? Or keyword mnemonics are these good to learn?. All these have scientifically proven low effective ways of learning.

The practice test is scientifically proven to be an effective way of learning and boosting performance. Things, that will help you to boost your Educational performance and put in hours to practice a lot of exams or tests (past questions).

For your information, you are not to stop Reading again and again  Or highlighting your notes or keyword mnemonics.

But additional practicing test makes you stand out among your peers. This is one of the best ways to study and memorize quickly and effectively

4. Zeigarnik effect/ Pomodoro Technique

The Zeigarnik effect is a concept in psychology that argues you remember unfinished tasks better than completed task.

WHY? When we start a task and then are interrupted it creates a task-specific tension that can improve our cognitive function. So step a little from your table as you study that tiny tension that you feel “I still need to finish reviewing that chapter ” or “I have not finished that paper ” it keeps the task on top of your mind and this keeps your brain automatically focused on it.

This way you can easily access that information and remember better.” student who take frequent breaks during your deep study performs better than students who study long hours without a break” the study says.

Pomodoro technique:

1. decide the task(s) you need to perform,
2. set a timer for 25 minutes,

3. focus entirely on the task at hand,
4. Take a five-minute break when the alarm goes off.

5. Repeat the process three more times.

6. Take a lengthier 30-minute rest before starting again.

5. Distributed learning

Advancing into effective study techniques, this is also another effective method of study

Spacing your learning is better than trying to cram it all at once. Space your reading time and see how effective your learning capability will improve.

Distributed learning over time is among the secret methods for studying better than a single session. It improves a long-term retentive memory more than massive learning and cramming in long hours. Scientists look at over 258 studies involving more than 15,000 people and discovered that “students remembered after spaced learning than cramming and mass study.


Weldone, we have seen 5 secret methods for studying which are the best way to study and memorize. As we tend to search for effective techniques, at the end of the day, do what works for you.

Therefore Missing classes, spending so much time on social media, and having the TV on that not going to help but doing practice tests, getting to sleep on time, eating the proper nutrition, exercising, explaining what you learn to others, applying Pomodoro technique, memory palaces and using these techniques they going to help.

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