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5 Easiest Steps on How to get Coursera courses for free with certificate

How to get Coursera courses for free with certificate is easy, you can study and get a certificate for free.

In this article, I am going how you can get coursera courses for free with certificate. In this article, I am going to show that. COURSERA.ORG is one of the biggest online platforms in the world, providing online courses with the best professionals in their field.

So, going for studying and getting a certificate in COURSERA.ORG is a great idea. Adding a Coursera certificate to your CV is one step ahead. There is another thing about COURSERA have a relatively low percentage of finisher because finishing an online course require discipline and dedication. Less talk.

Let’s get started on how to get coursera courses for free with certificate.


5 STEPS: How to get Coursera Courses for Free with Certificate

Step 1: Create an Account

If you don’t already have one, create an account with Coursera. Vist this link, click on signup or register to create and account with the coursera academy to get coursera courses for free with certificate.

Use your email address and other of your infomrations to create your free account. Verify your account and you are ready to get coursera courses for free with certificate

Step 2: Surf for your best Courses

Using the search box, choose the course you wish to take (search for any course available). Remember, we have “single course as the name says comprise one complete course” and we have “specialization courses which might contain two or more courses (is like having a master’s degree”). Therefore, deciding which course to take is entirely up to you.

To get coursera courses for free with certificate you need to surf for what course you really want to get for free with certificate,

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Step 3: Review the Course before enrolling

After you have chosen the course of your choice. Read the course details (topics) and course rating. Before you get coursera courses for free with certificate you should at least read in details for whatever course you are enrolling to, to see if it is satisfactory to you.

Don’t forget it is part of how to get coursera courses for free with certificate

You can enroll for free but within 7 days trial which is quite weird.

Let’s take a machine learning course for example; how possible can you finish a complete machine learning course within 7 days and you cannot get a certificate for enrolling for free in most situations.

If can achieve that feat then you’re a magician, to be honest. Let me show you how to STUDY and get a COUSERA certificate for free in the next step.

Step 4:  Enroll for the Course

To get coursera courses for free with certificate, after you have chosen the course beside/below the ENROLL FOR FREE BUTTON you can see the FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE LINK which you are going to click, then the message will pop out showing that the “application takes at least 15 days to get reviewed”.

 You have to be patient and get reviewed for two weeks only. As the saying goes “the patient dog eats the fattest bone”.

Step 5: Submit application and wait for Review

After clicking the financial aid link and continuing with the application, make sure your information is up to date then fill out the forms there.

The most important part of the form is “the reason you applied for the aid and “how will your selected course help you with your goals”.

These two parts of the form are the main reason you are going to get coursera courses for free with certificate. So, have to state your motivation and purpose for why you need that financial aid. After your application has been reviewed, the good news will be send to your registered email atleast two weeks.


These are the best ways on how to get coursera courses for free with certificate.

So, these are simple steps to study and get a certificate for free. COURSERA has more than 5,400 courses, professional certificates, and degree from world class universities and companies which, you can start, switch or advance your career.

Get learned without limit and obtain your certificate(s). it is neva too late to get coursera courses for free with certificate. As it is free. Make sure to leave a comment in the comment block.

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